Select the right trash management for your home from our large selection of waste bins and trash cans from Hafele, simplehuman, Witt, Nine Stars, Cool-Line, iTouchless, Blomus, Rev-A-Shelf, Knape & Vogt, Safco, Glaro and Polder. By combining American and European trash can manufacturers, we can accommodate your specific trash disposal needs with a variety of styles and looks. We offer both contemporary and simple designs that elegantly conceal your trash while controlling odors. Choose from more sophisticated, stainless steel trash can models that feature hands-free operation, pull-out trash cans that mount to your base cabinets and hide neatly under your sink, or several styles of pedal operated trash cans that come in a myriad of shapes and colors. We carry both small and large capacity trash cans that are ideal for indoor and outdoor use, and adhere to the sensibility of function and durability.
Featured - Cabinet & Built-In Trash Cans
Keep your trash out of sight, and your kitchen looking and smelling fresh with an integrated, built-in trash can. With features like odor absorbing charcoal filters, lids that automatically open and close, soft-close hinges, and compost/recycling bin options, these built-ins can hide behind your current cabinet doors, making them blend in seamlessly. With options from Hafele, Rev-A-Shelf, Knape & Vogt, Omega National and more; you’re sure to find the perfect one for your needs. Hide that unsightly trash, and create a clean layout for your kitchen—with a built-in trash can.