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Home >> Kitchen >> Countertops >> John Boos Countertops

John Boos High-Density Polyethylene 1000 Replacement Poly Table Tops, 24" - 120"W, 12"D - 48"D

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John Boos High-Density Polyethylene 1000 Replacement Poly Table Tops

$123 - $1587.39
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(W = side to side) (D = front to back) (H = top to bottom)

24", 25", 36", 48", 60", 72", 84", 96", 108" or 120" Widths
12", 18", 20", 24", 25", 30", 36" or 48" Depths
1/2", 3/4" or 1" thick
These John Boos High-Density Polyethylene 1000 Replacement Poly Table Tops are available in multiple widths and depths. The tops are NSF approved for food preparation and are made in America.
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Your questions that we answered:
Ask a questionDoes this item come in one piece?   - Asked about product JB-P1024
 AnswerDue to the size of JB-P1024, the High-Density Polyethylene 1000 Replacement Poly Table Tops would be a 3 section pieces.
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Ask a questionIs it possible to have a picture or template made into this product? Using it to make pretzels, looking for a template made into the counter to make consistently sized pretzels easily.   - Asked about product JB-P1074
 AnswerUnfortunately it is not possible to be made with a shape / image embedded into the top.
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Ask a questionHow do you cut this material to get a smooth edge? I am trying to replace an RV countertop with a sink and faucet, so will need to customize the size and shape. Thanks.   - Asked about product JB-P1015
 AnswerYou would want to use the proper tools, such as a skill saw or table saw, and you can lightly sand the edges.
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Ask a questionCan you get a cut out on these tops? I'd like to use it for a fish cleaning bench and have a cut out for a small sink. If so I'd also like to have the cut out to put over the sink when not in use.   - Asked about product JB-P1025
 AnswerAs long as you have the proper tools, like a skill saw, then you can cut it and it should be relatively easy.
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