Extremes of humidity and dryness can swell and shrink hard maple and/or oak enough to cause small seasonal checks to appear, usually at the ends of tops or at the end of a lamination. This possibility, though remote, is an unavoidable condition of enjoying the character and beauty of a living material - real wood with a check is still prettier than Formica without one!
Cracks filled with a cellulose filler of the right tint become
practically invisible. You can help preserve your table by
keeping your home humidified in the winter and by refreshing
your table often with oil.
All Butcher Block products must be oiled on all surfaces with a natural mineral oil at least once a month to protect the wood.
With a minimum amount of care and maintenance on your Hard Maple Top, you can lengthen the life of the top from 5 to 10 years. DO NOT: 1) Wash knives and forks or other utensils on the work surface of your top. 2) Wash your top with harsh detergents of any type. DO: Periodically (once every several weeks), depending upon use and household conditions, apply a heavy coat of mineral oil to the work surface of your top. CAUTION: Do not place counter tops near excessive heat (such as stove) without proper insulation between heat source and the edge of the counter top.
Do not cut off ends, drill holes, make cutouts or otherwise deface tops...without refinishing exposed unfinished wood. Guarantee is void if tops are modified.
This table top is made of kiln dried hard maple and dried to a moisture content of 6% making it very susceptible to water and dampness. When cleaning this top we ask that the following directions be followed very closely:
1. First scrape loose with a steel scraper or spatula any heavy food particles or foreign matter that may have adhered to the surfaces.
2. Brush or scrape all loose particles from the surfaces.
3. Take dish cloth and dip in warm soapy, or a VERY MILD DETERGENT water and wash top the same as any other wood surface.
4. Wash out dishcloth in clear warm water, wring out, and go over surface again.
6. An occasional application of mineral oil is recommended.
If any method, other than the one outlined above, is used in cleaning this top, very serious damage may result.
No guarantee of any kind is expressed or implied except as pertaining to material and workmanship.